Inquiry is made concerning the propriety of producing and distributing a law firm brochure which is intended to familiarize the firm's clients about the backgrounds and interests of the individuals in the firm and the areas of its practice.
The proposed brochure will describe the firm's area of practice with a paragraph relating to each area stating the nature of its involvement in each area. There will be included general background information relating to personal background, area of residence, college and law school activities, legal and non-legal past employment and similar information as to each member of the law firm. Photographs of each lawyer and/or group photographs in office situations are proposed. A law firm "logo" with the law firm's initials will be included in the proposed brochure.
Formal Ethics Opinion 83-F-49 stated that there is no impropriety in producing and distributing a law firm brochure to regular clients and/or to prospective clients, upon request, provided the requirements of DR 2-101(C) and DR 2-101(M) are strictly followed.
Formal Ethics Opinion 83-F-49(a) clarified the opinion as to the specifics of delivery and distribution of the brochure.
There is no impropriety in producing and distributing a law firm brochure as described herein, which is intended to familiarize the firm's clients about the backgrounds and interests of the individuals in the firm and areas of its practice, provided there is compliance with 83-F-49 and 83-F-49(a).
The use of a law firm "logo" with the initials of the law firm does not appear to be false, misleading or deceptive and, therefore, is not prohibited.
This 6th day of May, 1985.
Edwin C. Townsend, Chairman
W. J. Flippin
Henry H. Hancock